Facebook / Online behavior ethics


Our children in teens are getting on internet & its impossible to supervise or deny access

Facebook twitter /social sites etc are part of their lives

Most of them are unaware what they can do & how they should avoid falling into sins or situations which can lead to sin.

This has been a western problem for a longer time & hence there would be some content already available on this subject 

Your help is required in compiling 'Guidelines' so that they can be given to our children who if advised / cautioned by Ulamaa would probably follow those guidelines.


1)Two Lectures by Shaikh Salim Yusufali   2) Lecture by Moulana Syed Mohamed Rizvi   3) Saying NO a pps

  4)  Hijab page   5 ) Some relevant Q&A  6)Hijabi =putting pics on facebook?

1)Two Lectures by Shaikh Salim Yusufali


1) Br Shaikh Salim Yusufali yusufali789@gmail.com has given a lecture on the subject linked below with some documentation as well 

 Listen here http://www.shiatv.net/view_video.php?viewkey=2decb760277c87323825 


it was an interactive session & the 10 perspectives are given here


Perspective 1: Importance of having a reason behind why we do things

The Prophet (s) advises Abu Dharr:

      O Abu Dharr! Do everything you do with a  purpose and an intent (a niyyah ), even  sleeping and eating. 


Why do we use facebook? Just bored, just because, everyone else does it

What would be a good niyyah to have? 


Perspective 2: Making good use of your free time  

Prophet (s) advises Abu Dharr (r.a.):

O Abu Dharr! Make use of five things  before they are replaced by five things:

Your youthful days before old age, your health before your sickness, your independence before your dependence, your free time before you get busy, and your life before your death 


Imam Ali (a) describing the believers: They were patient for a few days, and their end result is a long comfortable rest. They had a profitable transaction  that their lord made easy for them. 


Perspective 3: Avoiding worship of celebrities and others false gods 

Why do you worship that which neither hears nor sees, and is of no avail to you in any way? (Surah Maryam (19), 42) 


We carried the Children of Israel across the sea, whereat they came upon a people cleaving to certain idols that they had. They said, ‘O Moses, make for us a god like the gods that they have.’ He said, ‘You are indeed an ignorant lot. What they are engaged in is indeed bound to perish, and what they have been doing shall come to naught.’ He said, ‘Shall I find you a god other than Allah, while He has graced you over all the nations?’  (Surah A'araaf (7), 138-140)


Perspective 4: Maintain your reputation  

From Imam Ridha (a): A believer is not a believer unless...he protects his own secrets. 

Imam Ali (a): Do not publicize your evil deeds for doing so is among the most severe of sins. 


From the Prophet (s): Everyone from my ummah is mu`aafaa (capable of being in a state of well-being) except the mujaahireen – those who commit a sin by night which their Lord conceals and then in the morning they tell someone, “Yesterday I did so-and-so.”


Perspective 5: Don't be arrogant  

Indeed Allah does not like any swaggering braggart. (Luqman (31), 18) 


From Imam Ali (a):

How can a human being possibly be arrogant? His beginning is a drop of seminal fluid, his end is a corpse, he can’t provide himself with sustenance, nor can he repel death. 


Perspective 6: Speaking with non-Mahrams  

From a fatwa by Imam Khumayni: A woman can talk to a non-mahram man given the conditions below:


·        Not for out of a desire to satisfy one’s lustful pleasure

·        No chance of falling into haraam

·        Not with intention of enticing that man into doing something haraam

·        Not speak in a way that is arousing, for example making her voice thin and soft and inviting so that he desires her

·        Not say things that are arousing 


And overall, for a woman to speak with a non-mahram man in conditions where the benefit does not outweigh the potential harm is makrooh.


Perspective 7: Looking at non-Mahrams  

From the Prophet (s): O Ali, the first glance is for you while the second is against you and not for you. 

From hadith: If you look illegally at someone else’s non Mahram, someone will look at yours. 

From the risalah: Looking at someone with lust or fear of falling into haram is haram. 


 Perspective 8: Hijab 

 From the risalah: It is wajib on a woman to 


·        cover her body except for her face and hands

·        not be wearing something be considered an ornament

·        not be wearing something provocative

·        not display the shape of those body parts that a man will find attractive in front of non mahram men.


 Perspective 9: Guarding your women (Ghayrat) 

 From the Prophet (s): When a woman leaves her home, decked up and perfumed...and her husband his content with this, for each step that she takes, a house in hell is built for her husband.  

Imam Ali (a): Women are flowers... 


Perspective 10: Minding your own business and not backbiting 

O you who have faith! Avoid much suspicion. Indeed some suspicions are sins. And do not spy on or backbite one another. Will any of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it. And be wary of Allah; indeed Allah is all-clement, all-merciful. (Surah Hujuraat (49), 12


Lecture 2 - Gender Interaction - Hayaa from the Quran & their Application to Facebook - Sheikh Salim Yousufali - Ramadhan 18 143 listen here:  http://shiatv.net/view_video.php?viewkey=fd93444c11d3b4c47f00

Mainly covering the Interaction of Prophet Moses(as) with the Daughters of Prophet Shuaib (as) when he entered Madyan & found them not mixing with the male members at the watering place , the words chosen by Allah swt in the Quran Ayats referring to this incident

Lecture on the subject by Moulana Syed Mohamed Rizvi.

Listen here http://islam4u.info/tabligh/multimedia/Thursday/Thursday_November-19-09_Rizvi.mp3 also Mp3 file click here



3 ) Saying NO -Prophet Yusuf (as) Model pps


4 ) Hijab Page


5)Chatting with a na-mahram on the internet and making Girl friends. Some Q&A

Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Fazel Lankarani ....

Q1: Is it permissible for a girl to chat with a na-mahram on the internet? 
A1: If there is a fear that a girl or a boy may be drawn towards sin, it is not permissible. Normally chatting ends up in a sin for both sides. 

Q2: Is it permissible for a boy to have a girl friend? 

A2: It is not permissible for a boy to make girl friends as he might fall into a sin or indulge in sinful acts.
you can refer http://www.lankarani.../eng/index.html

Reply Of Nayab Ayatullah Sistani Huujatul islam Sayyid mooswi

Question: salamunalikum is chatting on net with na mahram is haram? i am in taqleed of ayatullah seestani? Ah 
Answer: Assalamu alaikum wr wb Chatting with Na Mahram is Haraam , whether online or on phone or face to face, or by writting letters or emails, etc, unless it is in a necessary matter like learning essential skils, taking medical or legal advice, etc. Wassalamu alaikum wr wb 
Ref: http://www.themaliks...on.asp?faq=3111

Question: there was a question of are we allowed to talk to brothers on msn and you answered as no. but wat if that brother was a cousin or family friend from overseas and you want to ask how everything is going? and are we completly forbidden to talk to them (males) or only about unlawful topics? wat if u want to talk about wat they want to do for their weekend? 

Answer: Assalamu alaikum wr wb Talking with opposite sex is allowed in necessary matters and not just chatting and passing time. It is Haraam to talk in any way which may lead to intimate feeling from any of them. Wassalamu alaikum wr wb 

Rulings of Grand Ayatullah Sistani

Social Interaction 

Q5) Can males and females work together in an organization or not?

A5) If there is fear of falling in sin, it is not permissible.

Q6) I was wondering if it is haram to go to a party where girl's as well as boys attend. The girls may be dressed inappropriately but no drinking is involved?

A6) Based on obligatory precaution, it is not permissible, unless an illicit act is not carried out.

Q7) I wanted to know about friendship norms in Islam about females?

A7) Friendship with her is not permissible. Because in such friendship man is not immune from sin. 

Q9) Are shaking of hands with girls allowed?

A9) It is not permissible.



Hijabi? Putting Pictures on Facebook?

Ever seen a Hijabi posting her most beautiful pictures on Facebook? I have. And it's completely beyond my understanding. Before everyone concludes I'm an extremist of some sort, I'll admit that I'm on Facebook too, and at some point, I have also posted my pictures up. But that's when I discovered that several months of Facebook usage still does not empower most of us with the ability to conquer the privacy settings on our profiles, if they were ever of any use to start with.

Sure, we all want to show our friends how drop dead gorgeous we were looking at some party we went to. We also want to prove to our non-Hijabi friends how we resemble those supermodels on TV when we dress up for the "Halal prom". We also want to amaze our non-Muslim female friends with the awesome hairstyles and colors under our Hijab. In all honesty, we just want to have some fun and share our exciting Kodak moments with our friends, right?

I once spoke to a fellow Hijabi about posting pictures of herself without Hijab on Facebook, MSN, and other online social networking services. She said, "I know that there will always be the possibility of non-mahrams seeing my pictures while my friends are looking at them, but it's their responsibility to take care of my Hijab, I trust them. I guess I'm just one of those girls who don't like thinking outside the box."

Pure intentions aside, since when has there been the Islamic exception of trusting others with our Hijab? And what does thinking outside the box have to do with anything? If others were trustworthy enough to take care of our Hijab, then I'd never have come across those online photos of posing Hijabis featuring the religious leader's wife without Hijab in the background.

Fortunately, 50 percent of Hijabis are wise enough to avoid posting non-Hijabi pictures on such public websites. But the number of Hijabis who make their profile pictures (which can usually be accessed by the entire Facebook network) a picture of themselves is simply overwhelming. Of course, it is technically "permissible" for non-mahrams to see us while we are in Hijab, but the majority of Hijabis are so dolled up in their display pictures that it seems as though someone forced a headscarf on the winner of America's Next Top Model.


Of course, sisters are not alone when it comes to the competition of who looks the hottest in their Facebook display picture. The brothers have been quick to catch on. Posing with their Versace sunglasses and slick t-shirts (if they are wearing one at all), down to the core of the matter, it has become a game of impressing anyone and everyone, as long as you're on Facebook.

But the photo album disease is also spreading far and wide with the adults too! The number of parents who are posting pictures of their children is absolutely terrifying. It's understandable that parents want to show off their beautiful children to their friends; however, it goes without saying that many of these parents are not exactly quite tech-savvy and not too proficient when it comes to privacy settings, thereby often leaving their children's pictures publicly accessible by any and all weirdos.

Furthermore, according to a report by the BBC, a team of researchers from Cambridge University analyzed sixteen social networking websites and discovered that some sites, including Facebook, stored photos of users and allowed them to be viewed by others, even after the user deleted them. They did this by uploading pictures and noting down the image URLs. "When checked 30 days later, these links continued to work for seven of the sites, even though a typical user might think the photos had been removed," the researchers found. Despite all the privacy settings and limitations we may try and implement to our Facebook and other online profiles, more likely than not there will always be a loophole in the system, a fact that many of us are quite oblivious to.

Another classic example of privacy settings gone wrong is adding an application or taking certain quizzes on Facebook, which give the creator access to our entire profile, including all our private photos and the "public link" on our albums, which gives anyone who has this link complete access to all our "hidden" pictures.

While there are multiple benefits of having pictures on Facebook, including "so my friends know it's me who is adding them" and "my relatives overseas want to see what I look like", it's quite a risky business. Accessible from Google, the entire process of having our pictures downloaded and saved on someone's computer takes only a few seconds. It is very possible that a Hijabi sister's cute profile picture of her having a good time with friends might very well end up in the hands of an overzealous matchmaker in the community and ogled over by dozens of boys around the globe, and vice versa.

The essence of Hijab is simple: to conceal as much as possible and only display our beauty when absolutely necessary. If Facebook profile pictures were an absolutely necessary place for Muslims girls, boys, and adults to post their most stunning and attractive pictures for the whole world to see, then I guess I've been slow to jump on the bandwagon.