TAQLEED ( Following a Most learned scholar in Islamic laws /fiqh )

The Creator knows what is best for HIS creation HE has ordained 'Islam' (All of it, Beliefs together with the detailed rules & regulations) to be the path to be followed by human beings, which will lead to salvation.

HIS Prophet (SA) conveyed to us the Islamic Sharia, but we we do not have direct access to him today. We have the Islamic rules & regulations passed down to us through a chain of people. Hence ,in order to earn HIS pleasure & avoid HIS wrath (i.e. follow Islam), all of us have to do 'Taqleed' (follow someone). It can be our Ancestors, Society/its elders OR ..... a Marja (who is one of the most learned Mujtahid or Jurist.)

This is applicable to all muslims (incl,. people unconcerned about Islamic laws), as they get married or undertake death rites etc based on Islamic rules.

The Mujtahids undergo an intensive process of study & teaching in the howza for decades .Through this process he becomes an expert in ;Arabic language, Quranic sciences, Hadith (incl verification of the chain of Narrators to authenticate the Hadith) , History , Logic etc. He acquires these qualifications/expertise & it is only then that he emerges as the most learned amongst the learned, whom people follow for Furu-e-deen matters.

After the Ghaiba (Occultation) of our 12th Imam (AS), it is our Ulamaa and religious scholars who have kept the bright light of Islam glowing in the face of darkness and jahiliya (ignorance). The 12th Imam himself has guided us to follow the Ulamaa in these times in Authentic Hadith / Letters (tauqih).

Some of the Current Maraje are listed here & Given below are additional resources on the subject:-

Taqleed: Following a Mujtahid http://al-islam.org/laws/Taqleed.html

1. It is necessary for a Muslim to believe in the fundamentals of faith with his own insight and understanding, and he cannot follow anyone in this respect i.e. he cannot accept the word of another who knows, simply because he has said it. However, one who has faith in the true tenets of Islam, and manifests it by his deeds, is a Muslim and Mo'min, even if he is not very profound, and the laws related to a Muslim will hold good for him. In matters of religious laws, apart from the ones clearly defined, or ones which are indisputable, a person must:

# either be a Mujtahid (jurist) himself, capable of inferring and deducing from the religious sources and evidence;
# or if he is not a Mujtahid himself, he should follow one, i.e. he should act according to the verdicts (Fatwa) of the Mujtahid;
# or if he is neither a Mujtahid nor a follower (Muqallid), he should act on such precaution which should assure him that he has fulfilled his religious obligation. For example, if some Mujtahids consider an act to be haraam, while others say that it is not, he should not perform that act. Similarly, if some Mujtahid consider an act to be obligatory (Wajib) while others consider it to be recommended (Mustahab), he should perform it. Therefore, it is obligatory upon those persons who are neither Mujta hids, nor able to act on precautionary measures (Ihtiyat), to follow a Mujtahid.

Mujtahid is a jurist competent enough to deduce precise inferences regarding the commandments from the holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the holy Prophet by the process of Ijtihad. Ijtihad literally means striving and exerting. Technically as a term of jurisprudence it signifies the application by a jurist of all his faculties to the consideration of the authorities of law with a view to finding out what in all probability is the law. In other words Ijtihad means making deductions in matters of law, in the cases to which no express text is applicable. (See, Baqir Sadr, A Short