

It is important for me to stress at the end of this book that my first attempt in writing Islamic Laws for Muslims in non-Muslim countries is in need of evaluation. This being so to establish a body of laws for Muslims in those countries that deal with various aspects of their lives and so that those issues could be governed by noble principles of the Islamic sharí‘a.

The number of Muslims, be they citizens or residents in non-Muslim countries —especially America and Europe— is increasing. The percentage of the immigrants coming to this part of the world from Muslim lands has also gone up. On the other hand, the pace of change and transformation in these societies is very fast. This on its own poses more questions and creates new situations that must be studied carefully so that the right solutions could be presented. This is needed to keep pace with change in reality, and be proactive rather than reactive.

I should also point out the importance of writing in this subject without loosing sight of spirituality as seen by Islamic ethics and morality, especially in an environment that is attached almost totally to materialism and all that the latter stands for.

I have attempted here and there to emphasize some of Islam’s values, as espoused by the Qur’ãnic verses and the noble ahãdíth: This was done in a bid to blend the codes of ethics with jurisprudence just as I have previously done in my book, al-Fatawal ’l-Muyassara (Jurisprudence Made Easy) since I have detected the active link between the theoritical and the practical planes [of life]. Also because I can see the need that these teachings should find their way to materialization in the day-to-day conduct of Muslims, especially those who reside in the midst of non-Muslim societies.

It is sufficient for me that I have tried.

I seek the help of Allãh, hope for His aid, and pray for his acceptance since He is the Most Merciful of the Mercifuls. All praise be to Allãh, the Lord of the Universe. And may Allãh be pleased with our master, Muhammad, and his pure and infallible progeny.
